الممثلة الأمريكية بيتي وايت

بعد إغلاق كورونا.. نجمة هوليوود العجوز تستمتع بالطبيعة والحيوانات البرية

الممثلة الأمريكية بيتي وايت

سارة النواوي:
نشر فى : الثلاثاء 26 مايو 2020
رغم تفشي فيروس كورونا في جميع بلدان العالم وما خلفه من حالة من الحزن واليأس المسيطرة على الكثيرين، إلا أنه لا يزال هناك من استطاع أن يبعث الأمل من جديد ويستمتع بوقت الحظر.

في محاولة للتخفيف من حدة الوضع تمارس الممثلة الأمريكية بيتي وايت، البالغة من العمر 98 عامًا، حياتها بشكل طبيعي ، فبالرغم من أنها في الحجر الصحي الصحي الذي فرضه فيروس كورونا إلا أنها تستمتع بوقت الحجر، وفقا لموقع “نيوز 5”.

وذكرت نجمة هوليوود العجوز أنها كانت تحرص على أن تشغل نفسها بأي نشاط كي تبقى في المنزل للحماية من الفيروس، وتقول إنها كانت “مؤيدة تمامًا” لقواعد الإغلاق والإجراءات الاحترازية وبخاصة الحفاظ على المسافة الاجتماعية الآمنة، مضيفة: “لا يجب أن تسمح بالتعامل مع أحد إلا للضرورة القصوى.

وتتابع أن هناك فتاة تأتي إليها لتتفقدها بانتظام وتقضي معها وقت طويل في المنزل، حيث تتبادلا الحديث والضحكات أثناء جلوسهما معا.

وتوضح أنه بالرغم من أن وقت الحجر والعزل يمثل ضجر وضيق كبيرين بالنسبة للكثيرين، إلا أنها استغلت ذلك الوقت لاستكشاف الطبيعة والحياة البرية والاستمتاع بالأجواء الهادئة بها في فنائها.

وتشير إلى أنها لديها فناء خلفي جميل يزورها عدد من الحيوانات البرية، حيث اعتادت أن يأتي إليها الكثير من الحيوانات ليقولا مرحبا، وهي تنظر إليهم من خلال بابها الزجاجي، مضيفة بأنها تقوم بحل العديد من كتب الألغاز والكلمات المتقاطعة، حيث يساعدها على إبقائها نشيطة وحيوية.

بيتي وايت

الاسم الكامل
بيتي ماريون وايت
مذيعة ، ممثلة
تاريخ الميلاد
1922-01-12 (العمر 98 عامًا)
مكان الولادة
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, إلينوي
درس في
مدرسة بيفرلي هيلز الثانوية،مدرسة هوراس مان
بيتي وايت هي ممثلة أمريكية و كوميدية ومغنية ومؤلفة، وشخصية تليفزيونية بارزة. أصبحت شخصية ترفيهية مهمة في أمريكا. وهي معروفة للجمهور المعاصر بأدوارها التليفزيونية في “ماري تايلر مور شو” و “الفتيات الذهبيات”.

نبذة عن بيتي وايت

بيتي وايت هي ممثلة أمريكية و كوميدية ومغنية ومؤلفة، وشخصية تليفزيونية بارزة. وتمتد حياتها المهنية لأكثر من سبعة عقود، مما يجعلها أطول شخصية أنثى تخدم في عالم الترفيه. تطور اهتمامها بالتمثيل خلال أيام دراستها رغم أنها بدأت كاتبة. بعد أن قرأت الإعلانات التجارية على القنوات الإذاعية ، أصبحت شخصية ترفيهية مهمة في أمريكا. وهي معروفة للجمهور المعاصر بأدوارها التليفزيونية في “ماري تايلر مور شو” و “الفتيات الذهبيات”.

وهي ناشطة في مجال حقوق الحيوان. وكانت واحدة من النساء الأميركيات الرائدات اللائي لعبن دورًا خلف الكاميرا وأمامها خلال الأيام الأولى من البرامج التلفزيونية في البلاد. حصلت على لقب الشرف “عمدة هوليود” لإنتاج المسرحية الهزلية لأنها كانت أول امرأة على الإطلاق تفعل ذلك. تعرف على السيرة الذاتية الإنجازات والحكم والأقوال وكل المعلومات التي تحتاجها عن بيتي وايت

بدايات بيتي وايت

ولدت بيتي وايت باسم بيتي ماريون وايت في 12 يناير 1922 في أوك بارك ، إلينوي، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. كانت الطفلة الوحيدة لأمها كريستين تيس والأب هوراس لوجان وايت ، وهو مدير تنفيذي في شركة للإنارة.

درست في مدرسة هوراس مان (Horace Mann School) ، ومدرسة بيفرلي هيلز الثانوية. انضمت بيتي وايت  إلى الراديو لقراءة الإعلانات التجارية ولعب أجزاء صغيرة في المسرحيات بعد رفضها من قبل شركات الأفلام.

إنجازات بيتي وايت

بعد ثلاثة أشهر من التخرج في عام 1939، ظهرت لأول مرة على شاشة التلفزيون من خلال غناء أغاني من الأوبرا التي تسمى “The Merry Widow”.

في عام 1940، عملت في مسرحيات “The Great Gildersleeve” و “Blondie” و “This is Your FBI” وبدأت برنامجها الإذاعي الخاص الذي يحمل عنوان”The Betty White Show”، وفي عام 1949 ، شاركت التقديم في البرنامج الحي اليومي “هوليوود على التلفزيون” مع الممثل الجارفيس واستمرت لمدة أربع سنوات.

طوال الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي، تابعت عروضها في الإعلانات التلفزيونية التي تضمنت إعلانات مثل ” Dr. Ross Dog Food” وغيرها.

أسست شركة إنتاجها “Bandy Productions” في عام 1952 وأنتجت البرنامج التلفزيوني الكوميدي ​​”Life with Elizabeth” والذي لعبت فيه دورًا رئيسيًا.

تم عرض برنامج “الحياة مع إليزابيث” في الفترة من 1952 إلى 1955. وفي عام 1954، أنتجت وقدمت لفترة وجيزة البرنامج الحواري اليومي “The Betty White Show” على شبكة NBC. في السبعينات، أنتجت المسرحية الهزلية التي تحمل الاسم نفسه.

ابتداءً من عام 1955 وحتى عام 1975 ، كانت معلّقة في عرض ” Tournament of Roses Parade ” مع المقدم المشارك لورن جرين.

من 1957 إلى 1958 ، لعبت دور Vicki Angel في المسرحية الهزلية ‘Date with the Angels’. ظهرت على الشاشة الكبيرة لأول مرة في عام 1962 في الدور الرئيسي في فيلم الدراما الطويل “Advise & Consent”.

وفي عام 1963 ، شاركت في تقديم برنامج “Password” مع ألين لودين الذي تزوجته لاحقًا. وشاركت في برنامج “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”في عام 1973 في دور”Sue Ann Nivens”.

في عام 1985، ظهرت في أكبر برنامج ناجح لها بعنوان “الفتيات الذهبيات”، وفي عام 1999 ، ظهرت في دور داعم في فيلم الإثارة “بحيرة بلاسيد”.

أما أفلامها الأخرى فكانت “Hard Rain” و “Dennis the Menace Strikes Again”  و “Bringing Down the House” التي عرضت لأول مرة في أواخر التسعينيات وأوائل العقد الأول من القرن العشرين.

في عام 2004، ظهرت نجمة ضيفة في مسلسل “ذا براكتيس” ، و “The   Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner” في عام 2006 و “The Oprah Winfrey Show” في عام 2008. وظهرت في مسلسل “بوسطن ليغال” من 2005 إلى 2008.

كما ظهرت في فيلم The Bold and the Beautiful في 2007 و 2008 و 2009. أصبحت محبتها للحيوانات واضحة في العرض “PetMeds” في عام 2007.

عملت في فيلم “The Proposal” في عام 2009 وقدمت صوت الخلفية في فيلم يحمل اسم “Ponyo”. ولعبت دورًا في البرنامج التلفزيوني “Hot Cleveland” وظهرت كضيف في المسلسل التلفزيوني “كوميونيتي” في 2010.

ظهرت في العرض الترويجي ” Visit California ” في عام 2011 وسجلت ريميكس من أغنيتها الأصلية ” I’m Still Hot”.

قدمت صوتها لشخصية “ميكي ماوس” في عام 2013 وظهرت ضيفة في فيلم “Soul Man” في عام 2014. كانت مقدمة برنامج “Betty White’s Off Their Rockers” من 2012 إلى 2014.

حصلت على جائزة إيمي (LA) Emmy (1952) كشخصية بارزة للإناث، وحصلت على جوائز إيمي (1975 و 1976 و 1983 و 1986 و 1996 و 2010) كممثلة داعمة بارزة، عن مسلسلات”The Jhon Larroquette Show” و”The Mary Tyler Moore Show”  و”The Goldern Girls” و خامس جائزة إيمي جاءت تحديدا عن الدور الذي قامت به في أحد حلقات مسلسل”Saturday Night Live”.

كما حصلت على جوائزAmerican Comedy Awards في الأعوام 1987 و 1990 و 2000 كأطرف مؤلفة في مسلسل تلفزيوني، وحصلت على جائزة “Viewers For Quality Television Award” في عامي 1987 و 1988 كأفضل ممثلة في مسلسل كوميدي.

في عام 2012 فازت بجائزة جرامي لأفضل ألبوم محكي، وتم تكريمها بصنع تمثال من الشمع لها في متحف “مدام توسو” في هوليود.

أشهر أقوال بيتي وايت

لقد تزوجت ثلاث مرات. في عام 1945، تزوجت من ديك باركر، وهو طيار في القوات المسلحة الأمريكية، لكن الزواج لم يدم طويلا. تزوجت بعد ذلك من لين ألين، وكيل هوليود ، لكن هذا الزواج انتهى بالطلاق في عام 1949. وفي عام 1963، تزوجت من مذيع التلفزيون ألن لودين وظل الاثنان سويًا حتى وفاته في عام 1981.


Betty White

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Betty White
Betty White 2010.jpg

White at the Time 100 gala in 2010
Betty Marion White

January 17, 1922 (age 98)

Other names Betty White Ludden[1]
Education Horace Mann School
Alma mater Beverly Hills High School
Occupation Actress, comedian
Years active 1939–present
Home town Beverly Hills, California, U.S.
Title 4th Mayor of Hollywood (Honorary)
  • Dick Barker
    (m. 1945; div. 1945)
  • Lane Allen
    (m. 1947; div. 1949)
  • Allen Ludden
    (m. 1963; died 1981)

Betty Marion White Ludden (née White; born January 17, 1922)[2] is an American actress and comedian,[3][4] with the longest television career of any entertainer, spanning more than 80 years.[5][6][7] Regarded as a pioneer of television, she was one of the first women to exert control both in front of and behind the camera[8] and is recognized as the first woman to produce a sitcom (Life with Elizabeth),[9] which contributed to her receiving the honorary title Mayor of Hollywood in 1955.[10]

White is known for her award-winning roles as Sue Ann Nivens on The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1973–1977) and Rose Nylund on The Golden Girls (1985–1992) – the Writers Guild of America has included both sitcoms in its list of the 101 Best-Written TV Series of All Time[11] – and Elka Ostrovsky on Hot in Cleveland (2010–2015).

A staple panelist of American game shows such as PasswordMatch GameTattletalesThe Hollywood Squares and The $25,000 Pyramid, White has been dubbed “the first lady of game shows”, and became the first woman to receive an Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show Host in 1983 for the show Just Men![12] She is also known for her appearances on Boston LegalThe Carol Burnett Show, and Saturday Night Live.

Other than her television career, White also starred in film with her best known films being Advise & ConsentLake Placid, the English dub of PonyoThe ProposalThe Lorax, and she received critical acclaim for her performance in the television film The Lost Valentine.

White has received eight Emmy Awards in various categories, three American Comedy Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and a Grammy Award.[13] She also has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, is a 1985 Television Hall of Fame inductee, and a 2009 Disney Legend.

Betty Marion White was born in Oak Park, Illinois, on January 17, 1922.[2] She has stated that Betty is her legal name and not a shortened version of Elizabeth.[14][15][16] She is the only child of Christine Tess (née Cachikis; 1899–1985), a homemaker, and Horace Logan White (1899–1963),[17] a lighting company executive.[18][19] Her paternal grandfather was Danish and her maternal grandfather was Greek, with her other roots being English and Welsh (both of her grandmothers were Canadian).[20][21][22]

White’s family moved to Alhambra, California in 1923 when she was a little over a year old, and later to Los Angeles during The Great Depression.[23][24] To make extra money, her father would build radios (crystal sets) and sell them wherever he could. Since it was the height of the Depression, and hardly anyone had a sizable income, he would trade the radios in exchange for other goods, including dogs on some occasions.[25]

She attended Horace Mann School in Beverly Hills, and Beverly Hills High School, graduating in 1939. Her interest in wildlife was sparked by family vacations to the High Sierras. She initially aspired to a career as a forest ranger, but was unable to accomplish this because women were not allowed to serve as rangers at that time.[25][26] Instead, White pursued an interest in writing. She wrote and played the lead in a graduation play at Horace Mann School, and discovered her interest in performing.[1] Inspired by her idols Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy,[27] she decided to pursue a career as an actress.[18]

Entertainment career


White began her television career in 1939, three months after high school graduation, when she and a classmate sang songs from The Merry Widow on an experimental Los Angeles channel.[28][1][29] White found work modeling, and her first professional acting job was at the Bliss Hayden Little Theatre. When World War II broke out, she put her career on hold and volunteered for the American Women’s Voluntary Services. Her assignment included the transportation of military supplies through California. She also participated in events for troops before they were deployed overseas.[30]

After the war, White made rounds to movie studios looking for work, but was always turned down because she was “unphotogenic”. So then she started to look for radio jobs where being photogenic did not matter. Her first radio jobs included reading commercials and playing bit parts, and sometimes even doing crowd noises. She made about five dollars a show. She would do just about anything, like singing on a show for no money, or making an appearance on the local game show.[18] She appeared on shows such as BlondieThe Great Gildersleeve, and This is Your FBI. She then got her own radio show, called The Betty White Show.[31] In 1949, she began appearing as co-host with Al Jarvis on his daily live television variety show Hollywood on Television, originally called Al Jarvis’ Make-Believe Ballroom on KFWB radio and on KLAC-TV in Los Angeles.[8][29]


White began hosting the show by herself in 1952 after Jarvis’ departure,[8] spanning five and a half hours of live ad-lib television six days per week over a contiguous four-year span altogether. In all of her various variety series over the years, White would sing at least a couple of songs during each broadcast. In 1951, she was nominated for her first Emmy Award as “Best Actress” on television, competing with such legendary stars as Judith AndersonHelen Hayes, and Imogene Coca (the award went to Gertrude Berg). This was the very first award and category in the new Emmy history designated for women on television.

White in 1954

In 1952, the same year that she began hosting Hollywood on Television, White co-founded Bandy Productions with writer George Tibbles and Don Fedderson, a producer.[8] The trio worked to create new shows using existing characters from sketches shown on Hollywood on Television. White, Fedderson, and Tibbles created the television comedy Life with Elizabeth, with White portraying the title role.[8] The show was originally a live production on KLAC-TV in 1951, and won White a Regional Los Angeles Emmy in 1952.[8][15][29][32]

Life with Elizabeth was nationally syndicated from 1952 to 1955, allowing White to become one of the few women in television with full creative control in front of and behind the camera.[8] The show was unusual for a sitcom in the 1950s because it was co-produced and owned by a twenty-eight-year-old woman who still lived with her parents. White said they didn’t worry about relevance in those days, and that usually the incidents were based on real life situations that happened to her, the actor who played Alvin, and the writer.[18]

White also performed in commercials seen on live television in Los Angeles, including a rendition of the “Dr. Ross Dog Food” advertisement at KTLA during the 1950s. She guest starred on The Millionaire in the episode “The Virginia Lennart Story”, as the owner of a small town diner that received an anonymous gift of $1,000,000, in 1956.[8]

In 1954, she hosted and produced her own daily talk/variety show, The Betty White Show, on NBC (her second show to feature that title).[8] Like her sitcom, she had creative control over the series, and was able to hire a female director.[33] The show faced criticism for the inclusion of Arthur Duncan, an African-American performer, as a regular cast member. The criticism followed when NBC expanded the show nationally. Local southern stations threatened to boycott unless Duncan was removed from the series. In response, White said “I’m sorry. Live with it.” and gave Duncan more airtime.[33][34] Initially a ratings success, the show repeatedly changed time slots and suffered lower viewership. By the end of the year, NBC quietly cancelled the series.[35]

Following the end of Life with Elizabeth, she appeared as Vicki Angel on the ABC sitcom Date with the Angels from 1957 to 1958. As originally intended, the show, loosely based on the Elmer Rice play Dream Girl, would focus on Vicki’s daydreaming tendencies. However, the sponsor was not pleased with the fantasy elements, and pressured to have them eliminated. “I can honestly say that was the only time I have ever wanted to get out of a show,” White later said.[35] The sitcom was a critical and ratings disaster, but ABC wouldn’t allow White out of her contractual agreement and required her to fill the remaining thirteen weeks in their deal. Instead of a retooled version of the sitcom, White rebooted her old talk/variety show, The Betty White Show, which aired until her contract was fulfilled.”[35]

In July 1959, White made her professional stage debut in a week-long production of the play, “Third Best Sport”, at the Ephrata Legion Star Playhouse in Ephrata, Pennsylvania.[36]


Out of work, White turned her attention to network game shows. She made many appearances on the hit Password show as a celebrity guest from 1961 through 1975. She married the show’s host, Allen Ludden, in 1963.[8] She subsequently appeared on the show’s three updated versions Password PlusSuper Password, and Million Dollar Password, having been on versions of the game with five different hosts (Allen Ludden, Bill CullenTom KennedyBert Convy, and Regis Philbin). White made frequent game show appearances on What’s My Line? (starting in 1955), To Tell the Truth (in 1961, 1990, and 2015), I’ve Got a Secret (in 1972–73), Match Game (1973–1982), and Pyramid (starting in 1982). Both Password and Pyramid were created by White’s friend, Bob Stewart.

She made her feature film debut as Kansas Senator Elizabeth Ames Adams in the 1962 drama, Advise & Consent. Although her performance was well received, it would be her only big-screen appearance for decades.

NBC offered her an anchor job on their flagship morning show Today. She turned the offer down because she didn’t want to move to New York (where Today is produced) permanently. The job eventually went to Barbara Walters.[37] Through the 1950s and 1960s, White began a nineteen-year run as hostess and commentator on the annual Tournament of Roses Parade broadcast on NBC (often co-hosting with Lorne Greene), and appeared on a number of late night talk shows, including Jack Paar’s Tonight Show, and other daytime game shows.[8]


White as Sue Ann Nivens in The Mary Tyler Moore Show

In 1973, White made several appearances in the fourth season of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, as the “man-hungry” Sue Ann Nivens.[8] The role garnered White her second and third Emmy Awards. Although considering the role a highlight of her career, she has described the character’s image as “icky sweet”, feeling she was the very definition of feminine passivity, owing to the fact she always satirized her own persona onscreen in just such a way.[18]

running gag was that Sue Ann’s hard-edged private personality was the complete opposite of how she presented herself on her show. “We need somebody who can play sickeningly sweet, like Betty White,” Moore herself suggested at a production meeting, which resulted in casting White herself. White won two Emmy Awards back-to-back for her role in the hugely popular series.[8]

A scene from the final episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show (from left): White, Gavin MacLeod, Ed Asner, Georgia Engel, Ted Knight, and Mary Tyler Moore

In 1975, NBC replaced her as hostess and commentator on the Tournament of Roses Parade broadcast, feeling she was too identified with rival network CBS due to her newfound success on The Mary Tyler Moore Show. White admitted to People magazine it was difficult “watching someone else do my parade”,[38] although she soon would start a ten-year run as hostess of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade for CBS.

Following the end of The Mary Tyler Moore Show in 1977, White got her own sitcom on CBS, her fourth show entitled The Betty White Show[8] (the first having been broadcast a quarter century earlier), during the 1977–78 season, in which she co-starred with John Hillerman and former Mary Tyler Moore co-star Georgia Engel. It was canceled after one season.

Cast photo from The Betty White Show of 1977. From left-John Hillerman, Betty White, Georgia Engel.

White appeared several times on The Carol Burnett Show and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson appearing in many sketches, and began guest-starring in a number of television movies and television miniseries, including With This RingThe Best Place to BeBefore and After, and The Gossip Columnist.[8]


In 1983, White became the first woman to win a Daytime Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Game Show Host, for the NBC entry Just Men!.[39] Due to the amount of work she has done on them, she has been deemed the “First Lady of Game Shows”.[40]

From 1983-1984, White had a recurring role playing Ellen Harper Jackson on the series Mama’s Family,[8] along with future Golden Girls co-star Rue McClanahan. White had originated this character in a series of sketches on The Carol Burnett Show in the 1970s. When Mama’s Family was picked up in syndication after being canceled by NBC in 1984, White left the show (with the exception of one final appearance in the show’s syndicated version in 1986).

In 1985, White scored her second signature role and the biggest hit of her career as the St. Olaf, Minnesota-native Rose Nylund on The Golden Girls.[8] The series chronicled the lives of four widowed or divorced women in their “golden years” who shared a home in Miami. The Golden Girls, which also starred Beatrice ArthurEstelle Getty, and Rue McClanahan, was immensely successful and ran from 1985 through 1992. White won one Emmy Award, for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series, for the first season of The Golden Girls[8] and was nominated in that category every year of the show’s run (the only cast member to receive that distinction – Getty was also nominated every year, but in the supporting actress category).

White was originally offered the role of Blanche in The Golden Girls, and Rue McClanahan was offered the role of Rose (the two characters being similar to roles they had played in Mary Tyler Moore and Maude, respectively). Jay Sandrich, the director of the pilot, suggested that since they had played similar roles in the past, they should switch roles, Rue McClanahan later said in a documentary on the series. White originally had doubts about her ability to play Rose, until the show’s creator took her aside and told her not to play Rose as stupid but as someone “terminally naive, a person who always believed the first explanation of something.”[41]


The Golden Girls ended in 1992 after Arthur announced her decision to depart the series. White, McClanahan, and Getty reprised their roles Rose, Blanche, and Sophia in the spin-off The Golden Palace.[8] The series was short-lived, lasting only one season. In addition, White reprised her Rose Nylund character in guest appearances on the NBC shows Empty Nest and Nurses, both set in Miami.[8]

After The Golden Palace ended,[8] White guest-starred on a number of television programs including Suddenly SusanThe Practice, and Yes, Dear where she received Emmy nominations for her individual appearances. She won an Emmy in 1996 for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series, appearing as herself on an episode of The John Larroquette Show.[42] In that episode, titled “Here We Go Again”, a spoof on Sunset Boulevard, a diva-like White convinces Larroquette to help write her memoirs. At one point Golden Girls co-stars McClanahan and Getty appear as themselves. Larroquette is forced to dress in drag as Beatrice Arthur, when all four appear in public as the “original” cast members. White comically envisions her Rose as the central character with the others as mere supporting players.

White at the premiere for The Proposal in June 2009


In December 2006, White joined the soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful in the role of Ann Douglas (where she would make 22 appearances), the long-lost mother of the show’s matriarch, Stephanie Forrester, played by Susan Flannery.[43] She also began a recurring role in ABC’s Boston Legal from 2005 to 2008 as the calculating, blackmailing gossip-monger Catherine Piper, a role she originally played as a guest star on The Practice in 2004.[8]

White appeared several times on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson appearing in many sketches and returned to Password in its latest incarnation, Million Dollar Password, on June 12, 2008, (episode #3), participating in the Million Dollar challenge at the end of the show. On May 19, 2008, she appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, taking part in the host’s Mary Tyler Moore Show reunion special alongside every surviving cast member of the series. Beginning in 2007, White was featured in television commercials for PetMeds, highlighting her interest in animal rights and welfare.[44]


In 2009, the candy company Mars, Incorporated launched a global campaign for their Snickers bar; the campaign’s slogan was: “You’re not you when you’re hungry”. White appeared, alongside Abe Vigoda, in the company’s advertisement for the candy during the 2010 Super Bowl XLIV. The advertisement became very popular, and won the top spot on the USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter.[45][46]

Following the success of the Snickers advertisement, a grassroots campaign on Facebook called “Betty White to Host SNL (Please)” began in January 2010. The group was approaching 500,000 members when NBC confirmed on March 11, 2010 that White would in fact host Saturday Night Live on May 8. The appearance made her, at age 88, the oldest person to host the show, beating Miskel Spillman, the winner of SNL’s “Anybody Can Host” contest, who was 80 when she hosted in 1977.[47][48] In her opening monologue, White thanked Facebook and joked that she “didn’t know what Facebook was, and now that I do know what it is, I have to say, it sounds like a huge waste of time.”[24] The appearance earned her a 2010 Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series, her seventh Emmy win overall.

In June 2010, White took on the role of Elka Ostrovsky the house caretaker on TV Land‘s original sitcom Hot in Cleveland along with Valerie BertinelliJane Leeves and Wendie MalickHot in Cleveland was TV Land’s first attempt at a first-run scripted comedy (the channel has rerun other sitcoms since its debut). White was only meant to appear in the pilot of the show but was asked to stay on for the entire series.[49] In 2011, she was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her role as Elka, but lost to Julie Bowen for Modern Family.[50] The series ran for six seasons, a total of 128 episodes, with the hour-long final episode airing on June 3, 2015.[51]

White also starred in the Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation of The Lost Valentine on January 30, 2011 (this presentation garnered the highest rating for a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation in the previous four years and according to the Nielsen Media Research TV rating service won first place in the prime time slot for that date.)[52] and from 2012 to 2014, White hosted and executive produced Betty White’s Off Their Rockers, in which senior citizens play practical jokes on the younger generation.[53] For this show, she received three Emmy nominations.

A Betty White calendar for 2011 was published in late 2010. The calendar features photos from White’s career and with various animals.[54] She also launched her own clothing line on July 22, 2010, which features shirts with her face on them. All proceeds go to various animal charities she supports.[55]

White’s success continued in 2012 with her first Grammy Award for a spoken word recording for her bestseller If You Ask Me. She also won the UCLA Jack Benny Award for Comedy, recognizing her significant contribution to comedy in television, and was roasted at the New York Friars’ Club.[56]

A television special, Betty White’s 90th Birthday Party, aired on NBC a day before her birthday on January 16, 2012. The show featured appearances of many stars with whom White has worked over the years, as well as a message from sitting president Barack Obama.[57] In January 2013, NBC once again celebrated Betty White’s birthday with a TV special featuring celebrity friends, including former president Bill Clinton; the special aired on February 5.[58]

On August 18, 2018, White’s career was celebrated in a PBS documentary called Betty White: First Lady of Television.[59] The documentary was filmed over a period of ten years, and featured archived footage and interviews from colleagues and friends.[33]

In 2019, White joined the voice cast of Pixar‘s Toy Story 4. She provided the voice of Bitey White, a toy tiger that was named after her.[60] The other toys she shared a scene with were named and played by Carol BurnettCarl Reiner and Mel Brooks. White commented that “It was wonderful the way they incorporated our names into the characters … And I’m a sucker for animals, so the tiger was just perfect!”

Personal life


White and Allen Ludden (1963)

In 1945, White married Dick Barker, a United States Army Air Forces pilot.[61] The marriage was short-lived. In 1947, she married Lane Allen, a Hollywood agent.[61] This marriage ended in divorce in 1949.

On June 14, 1963, White married television host and personality Allen Ludden, whom she had met on his game show Password as a celebrity guest in 1961,[62] and her legal name was changed to Betty White Ludden.[2] He proposed to White at least twice before she accepted. The couple appeared together in an episode of The Odd Couple featuring Felix’s and Oscar’s appearance on Password. Ludden appeared as a guest panelist on Match Game, with White sitting in the audience. (She was prompted to criticize one of Ludden’s wrong answers on camera during an episode of Match Game ’74.) The two appeared together on the Match Game panel in 1974, 1975 and 1980.

Allen Ludden died from stomach cancer on June 9, 1981, in Los Angeles.[16][63][64] While they had no children together, she is stepmother to his three children from his first marriage to Margaret McGloin Ludden, who died of cancer in 1961. White has not remarried since Ludden’s death. In an interview with Larry King, when asked whether she would remarry, she replied by saying “Once you’ve had the best, who needs the rest?”[65]


Bea Arthur

White had a strained relationship with her Golden Girls co-star Bea Arthur on and off the set of their television show, commenting that Arthur “was not that fond of me” and that “she found me a pain in the neck sometimes. It was my positive attitude – and that made Bea mad sometimes. Sometimes if I was happy, she’d be furious.”[66][67] After Arthur’s death in 2009, White said, “I knew it would hurt, I just didn’t know it would hurt this much.” Despite their differences, The Golden Girls was a positive experience for both actresses. Bea Arthur would often insist on waiting to leave for lunch until all four (White, Rue McClanahanEstelle Getty, and herself) had finished their work, and could leave together.[68][69]

Lucille Ball

White first met Lucille Ball while working on the short-lived sitcom Date With the Angels, which was filmed on the Desilu Studios lot where I Love Lucy was also filmed. The two quickly struck up a friendship over their accomplishments in taking on the male dominated television business of the ’50s. They relied on one another through divorce, illness, personal loss, and even competed against one another on various game shows.[70][71]


In a 2011 interview, White said that she always knew her close friend Liberace was gay and that she sometimes accompanied him to premieres.[66] A supporter of gay rights, White said that “If a couple has been together all that time – and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones – I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much”.[72]

Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore and her husband Grant Tinker were close friends with White and Ludden. When Valerie Harper left The Mary Tyler Moore Show, producers felt the show needed another female character, and so created Sue Ann Nivens. Nivens was described as an “icky sweet Betty White type.” In a 2010 Archive of American Television interview, Moore explained that producers, aware of Moore and White’s friendship, were initially hesitant to audition White for the role, for fear that if she hadn’t been right, it would create awkwardness between the two.[73]

John Steinbeck

In her 2011 book If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t), White writes about her friendship with famed author John Steinbeck. White’s husband Allen Ludden attended the same school as Steinbeck’s wife Elaine. The couples became close friends, and Steinbeck gave an early draft of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech to Ludden for his birthday.[74][37]

Humanitarian work

White is a pet enthusiast and an animal health advocate who works with animal organizations, including the Los Angeles Zoo Commission, the Morris Animal Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation, and Actors & Others for Animals. Her interest in animal rights and welfare began in the early 1970s while she was both producing and hosting the syndicated series, The Pet Set, which spotlighted celebrities and their pets.[8][75]

As of 2009, White is the president emerita of the Morris Animal Foundation, where she has served as a trustee of the organization since 1971.[8] She has been a member of the board of directors of the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association since 1974.[8] Additionally, White served the association as a Zoo Commissioner for eight years.[8]

White with President Barack Obama in the Oval Office in June 2012

According to the Los Angeles Zoo & Botanical Garden’s ZooScape Member Newsletter, White hosted “History on Film” from 2000 to 2002. White donated nearly $100,000 to the zoo in the month of April 2008 alone.[76]

Betty White served as a presenter at the 2011 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards ceremony at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on October 1, 2011, in Los Angeles.[77]

In September 2011, she teamed up with English singer Luciana to produce a remix of her song “I’m Still Hot“. The song was released digitally on September 22 and the video later premiered on October 6.[78] It was made for a campaign for a life settlement program, The Lifeline. White served as a judge alongside Whoopi Goldberg and Wendy Diamond for the American Humane Association‘s Hero Dog Awards airing on The Hallmark Channel on November 8, 2011.[79]


Achievements and honors

White has won five Primetime Emmy Awards, two Daytime Emmy Awards (including the 2015 Daytime Emmy for Lifetime Achievement), and received a Regional (LA) Emmy in 1952.[80] White is the only woman to have received an Emmy in all performing comedic categories, and also holds the record for longest span between Emmy nominations for performances—her first was in 1951 and her most recent was in 2011, a span of 60 years. She has also won three American Comedy Awards (including a Lifetime Achievement Award in 1990), and two Viewers for Quality Television Awards. She was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1995 and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6747 Hollywood Boulevard alongside the star of her late husband Allen Ludden.

White was the recipient of the Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters Golden Ike Award and the Genii Award from the American Women in Radio and Television in 1976.[8] The American Comedy Awards awarded her the award for Funniest Female in 1987 as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award in 1990.[8]

The American Veterinary Medical Association awarded White with its Humane Award in 1987 for her charitable work with animals.[8] The City of Los Angeles further honored her for her philanthropic work with animals in 2006 with a bronze plaque near the Gorilla Exhibit at the Los Angeles Zoo.[8] The City of Los Angeles named her “Ambassador to the Animals” at the dedication ceremony.[8]

She was formally inducted into the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame in 1995. In 2009, White received the TCA Career Achievement Award from the Television Critics Association.[8]

In September 2009, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) announced plans to honor White with the Screen Actors Guild Life Achievement Award at the 16th Screen Actors Guild Awards. Actress Sandra Bullock presented White with the award on January 23, 2010, at the ceremony, which took place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.[8] She is a Kentucky Colonel.[81] In 2009, White and her now-deceased Golden Girls cast mates Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty were awarded Disney Legend awards. Betty was inducted into the California Hall of Fame in December 2010. In 2010, she was chosen as the Associated Press‘s Entertainer of the Year.[82]

The Golden Girls Disney Legends plaque at Walt Disney Studios

On November 9, 2010, the USDA Forest Service, along with Smokey Bear, made Betty White an honorary forest ranger, fulfilling her lifelong dream.[83][84] White said in previous interviews that she wanted to be a forest ranger as a little girl but that women were not allowed to do that then. When White received the honor, more than one-third of Forest Service employees were women.[85]

In January 2011, White received a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series for her role as Elka Ostrovsky in Hot in Cleveland. The show itself was also nominated for an award as Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series, but lost to the cast of Modern Family.[86] She won the same award again in 2012, and has received a third nomination.[87]

In October 2011, White was awarded an honorary degree and white doctors coat by Washington State University at the Washington State Veterinary Medical Association’s centennial gala in Yakima, Washington.[88]

A 2011 poll conducted by Reuters and Ipsos revealed that White was considered the most popular and most trusted celebrity among Americans, beating the likes of Denzel Washington, Sandra Bullock, and Tom Hanks.[89]


Film career

Year Title Role Notes Ref.
1945 Time to Kill Lou’s Girl Short film [90]
1962 Advise & Consent Senator Bessie Adams [91]
1971 Vanished Hostess
1980 The Hollywood Knights Herself
1986 Big City Comedy
1996 The Story of Santa Claus[92] Gretchen Claus Voice [91]
1998 Hard Rain Doreen Sears [91]
Dennis the Menace Strikes Again Martha Wilson [91]
Holy Man Herself [91]
1999 Lake Placid Mrs. Delores Bickerman [91]
The Story of Us Lillian Jordan [91]
2000 Whispers: An Elephant’s Tale Round Voice [91]
Tom Sawyer Aunt Polly [91]
2001 The Retrievers Mrs. Krisper [91]
The Wild Thornberrys: The Origin of Donnie Grandma Sophie Voice [93]
2003 Bringing Down the House Mrs. Kline [91]
Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt Cameo [91]
2005 The Third Wish Lettie [91]
2006 Where’s Marty? Herself [94]
2007 Your Mommy Kills Animals Documentary [95]
In Search of Puppy Love
2008 Ponyo[96] Yoshie Voice [91]
2009 Love N’ Dancing Irene [91]
The Proposal Grandma Annie [91]
Part Two: The Warm Mission Betty Short film
2010 You Again Grandma Bunny Byer [91]
Prep & Landing: Operation: Secret Santa Mrs. Claus Voice [97]
2011 Betty White: Champion for Animals Herself Documentary [98]
2012 The Lorax Grammy Norma Voice [91]
2013 Letters to Jackie: Remembering President Kennedy Narrator Documentary [99]
Betty White Goes Wild Herself [100]
2019 Toy Story 4 Bitey White Voice [101]

Television career

Year Title Role Notes
1939 Unknown Unknown White and a former high school classmate (this was shortly after graduation) sang songs from The Merry Widow on an experimental Los Angeles channel in 1939.
1949–50 Hollywood on Television Herself
1952 The Eddie Albert Show
1953–55 Life with Elizabeth[102] Elizabeth Lead role, 65 episodes
1954 The Betty White Show Herself From February 8, 1954 to December 31, 1954
1955–56 What’s My Line? 8 episodes
1956 The Millionaire Virginia Lennart Episode: “Millionaire Virginia Lennart”
1957–58 Date with the Angels Vickie Angel Lead role, 33 episodes
1958 The Betty White Show Herself Lead role, 14 episodes
1958–62 The Jack Paar Show Recurring role, 36 episodes
1958–2001, 2016 To Tell the Truth Appearances on CBS (Collyer), NBC (Moore), and ABC (Anderson) versions. Main panelist (2016)
1961–2008 (Super) (Million Dollar) Password (All Stars), (Plus) Recurring panelist; appeared on all versions of the show.
1962 The United States Steel Hour Episode: “Scene of the Crime”
1963–82, 1991 Match Game Herself Recurring panelist, Appeared on the first 3 versions of the show.
1963–75 You Don’t Say! Recurring panelist, 10 episodes
1968 That’s Life Episode: “Buying a House”
1969 Petticoat Junction Adelle Colby Episode: “The Cannonball Bookmobile”
1971 The Pet Set[103] Herself Recurring role, 31 episodes
1972 O’Hara, U.S. Treasury Episode: “Operation: Lady Luck”
The Odd Couple Episode: “Password”
1973–77 The Mary Tyler Moore Show Sue Ann Nivens Main cast, 46 episodes
1975 Lucas Tanner Lydia Merrick Episode: “The Noise of a Quiet Weekend”
Ellery Queen Louise Demery Episode: “The Adventure of Miss Aggie’s Farewell Performance”
The Carol Burnett Show Various Recurring role, 3 episodes
1976–77 The Sonny and Cher Show Herself Guest role, 2 episodes
1976–79 Liar’s Club Recurring panelist, 48 episodes
1977–78 The Betty White Show Joyce Whitman Lead role, 14 episodes
1978 The Hanna-Barbera Happy Hour Voice Teacher 1 episode
Snavely (aka Chateau Snavely) Gladys Snavely 1 episode (pilot only)
With This Ring TV film Evelyn Harris
1979 The Best Place to Be Sally Cantrell
Before and After Anita
1980 The Gossip Columnist Herself
The Love Boat[104] Various Guest role, 5 episodes
1981 Best of the West Episode: “Mail Order Bride”
1982 Eunice Ellen TV film
The $25,000 Pyramid Herself Recurring panelist, 85 episodes
Love, Sidney Charlotte Episode: “Charlotte’s Web”
1983 Just Men! Herself Host, 65 episodes
Fame Catherine Episode: “Sunshine Again”
1983–1984, 1986 Mama’s Family Ellen Harper Jackson Recurring role, 15 episodes
1984 Hotel Wilma Klein Episode: “Outsiders”
Trivia Trap Herself Celebrity Week
1985 St. Elsewhere Capt. Gloria Neal 2 episodes
Who’s the Boss? Bobby Barnes
1985–92 The Golden Girls Rose Nylund Main role, 180 episodes
1987 Alf Loves a Mystery Aunt Harriet TV film
1988 Santa Barbara Cameo Guest role, 3 episodes
Another World Brenda Barlowe Special Guest Star
1989–92 Empty Nest Rose Nylund Guest role, 3 episodes
1990 Carol & Company Trisha Durant Episode: “Trisha Springs Eternal”
1991 Chance of a Lifetime Evelyn Eglin TV film
Nurses Rose Nylund Episode: “Begone with the Wind”
1992–93 The Golden Palace Lead role, 24 episodes
1993 Bob Sylvia Schmidt Main cast, 8 episodes
1994 Diagnosis Murder Dora Sloan Episode: “Death by Extermination”
1995 The Naked Truth Herself 2 episodes
Maybe This Time Shirley Wallace Main role, 18 episodes
1996 A Weekend in the Country Martha TV film
Suddenly Susan Midge Haber Episode: “Golden Girl Friday”
1998 The Lionhearts Dorothy (voice) 5 episodes
L.A. Doctors Mrs. Brooks Episode: “Leap of Faith”
Noddy Annabelle (Mrs. Santa Claus) Special: Anything Can Happen At Christmas
1999 Hercules Hestia (voice) Episode: “Hercules and the Tiff on Olympus”
Ally McBeal Dr. Shirley Flott Episode: “Seeing Green”
Ladies Man Mitzi Stiles Main role, 30 episodes
King of the Hill Dorothy / Ellen / Delia (voice) Guest role, 3 episodes
2000 The Wild Thornberrys Sophie Hunter (voice) 3 episodes
Intimate Portrait: Betty White Herself
The Simpsons Episode: “Missionary: Impossible
2001 The Ellen Show Connie Gibson Episode: “Missing the Bus”
2002 Teacher’s Pet Granny (voice) Episode: “The Turkey That Came for Dinner”
Yes, Dear Sylvia Episode: “Kim’s New Nanny”
Providence Julianna Episode: “The Heart of the Matter”
2002–03 That ’70s Show Bea Sigurdson Recurring role, 4 episodes
2003 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Mrs. Doolin (voice) Episode: “Who Killed Who?”
Gary the Rat Gary’s Mother (voice) Episode: “This Is Not a Pipe”
I’m with Her Herself Episode: “Meet the Parent”
Stealing Christmas Emily Sutton TV film
2003–04 Everwood Carol Roberts 2 episodes
2004 The Practice Catherine Piper 3 episodes
My Wife and Kids Mrs. June Hopkins Episode: “The Maid”
Malcolm in the Middle Sylvia Episode: “Victor’s Other Family”
2004–05 Complete Savages Mrs. Riley 2 episodes
2005 Joey Margaret Bly Episode: “Joey and the House”
Annie’s Point Annie Eason TV film
2005–08 Boston Legal Catherine Piper Main role, 16 episodes
2006 My Name Is Earl Mrs. Weezmer Episode: “The Witch Lady”
Family Guy Herself Episode: “Peterotica
2006–09 The Bold and the Beautiful Ann Douglas Recurring role, 23 episodes
2007 Higglytown Heroes Grandma (voice) Episode: Calling All Heroes
Ugly Betty Herself Episode: “Bananas for Betty”
The Simpsons Episode: “Homerazzi
2009 30 Rock Episode: “Stone Mountain
2009–10 Glenn Martin DDS Grandma Shelia Martin (voice) Guest role, 2 episodes
2010 The Middle Mrs. Nethercott Episode: “Average Rules”
Saturday Night Live Herself Episode: “Betty White/Jay-Z”[105]
Community Professor June Bauer Episodes: Anthropology 101 & “The Psychology of Letting Go[106]
2010–15 Hot in Cleveland Elka Ostrovsky Main role, 128 episodes
2010–13 Pound Puppies Agatha McLeish (voice) Main cast, 13 episodes
2011 The Lost Valentine Caroline Thomas TV film
2012–17 Betty White’s Off Their Rockers Herself Host
2012 The Client List Ruth Hudson Episode: “Past Is Prologue”
2013 Save Me God Episode: “Holier Than Thou”
Mickey Mouse Old Lady (voice) Episode: “New York Weenie”
2014 The Soul Man Elka Ostrovsky Episode: “All the Way Live”
2015 Saturday Night Live Grandmother Episode: “Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special
2015–present Fireside Chat with Esther Rose / Lady Bette 3 episodes
2015–17 Bones Dr. Beth Mayer 2 episodes
2015–present Betty White’s Smartest Animals in America Herself Host
2016 SpongeBob SquarePants Beatrice (voice) Episode: “Mall Girl Pearl”
Crowded Sandy Episode: “The Fixer”
2017 Young & Hungry Ms. Bernice Wilson 2 episodes
If You’re Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast Herself TV film
2018 Betty White: First Lady of Television Documentary
2019 Forky Asks A Question Bitey White Episode: “What Is Love?”
2020 Untitled Lifetime Christmas Movie[107] Santa Whisperer TV Film


White has published several books during her career. In August 2010, she entered a deal with G.P. Putnam’s Sons to produce two more books, the first of which, If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t), was released in 2011.[108] In February 2012, White received her first Grammy Award (“Best Spoken Word Recording”) for the audio recording of the book.[109]

Year Title
1983 Betty White’s Pet-Love: How Pets Take Care of Us
1987 Betty White in Person
1991 The Leading Lady: Dinah’s Story
1995 Here We Go Again: My Life In Television
2008 Together: A Novel of shared vision
2011 If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t)
2011 Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo


بيتى وايتز

حقائق سريعة عن بيتي وايت

في عام 2013 اختيرت الممثلة بيتي وايت البالغة من العمر حينها 91 عاماً من بين أكثر المشاهير جاذبيةً، محققةً التفوّق على كل من ساندرا بولوك، توم هانكس، أديل وغيرهم من المشاهير. وتعد هذه المرّة الثالثة التي تتصدّر فيها بيتي صدارة القائمة.

أحدث الأخبار عن بيتي وايت

بيتي وايت على وشك أن تصل إلى 98 عاماً.. فكيف ستحتفل به؟ – أخبار الآن

  الممثلة الأمريكية بيتي وايت تنعى الغوريلا كوكو – بوابة العين الإخبارية

  بيتي وايت تدخل «غينيس» – البيان

  الممثلة بيتي وايت الأكثر جاذبية في الولايات المتحدة – رويترز العربية

  فيديوهات ووثائقيات عن بيتي وايت

بيتي وايت – Betty White

بيتي وايت
Betty White
(بالإنجليزيةBetty White)‏  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P1559) في ويكي بيانات
بيتي وايت.jpg

معلومات شخصية
اسم الولادة بيتي ماريون وايت لودين
الميلاد 17 يناير 1922 (العمر 98 سنة)
أوك بارك – إلينوي – الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية الولايات المتحدة
الإقامة كارميل-بي-ثي-سي، مونتيري، كاليفورنيا  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P551) في ويكي بيانات
مواطنة Flag of the United States.svg الولايات المتحدة  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P27) في ويكي بيانات
الزوج لويس، كونت فندوم (29 فبراير 2004–)[1]  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P26) في ويكي بيانات
الحياة العملية
المدرسة الأم ثانوية بيفرلي هيلز  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P69) في ويكي بيانات
المهنة ممثلة،  وممثلة كوميدية،  ومقدمة تلفزيونية،  ومغنية،  وكاتِبة،  وموسيقية،  وممثلة تلفزيونية،  وعارضة،  وممثلة أفلام،  ومؤدية أصوات،  وممثلة مسرحية  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P106) في ويكي بيانات
الحزب الحزب الديمقراطي  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P102) في ويكي بيانات
سنوات النشاط 1945 – للأن
جائزة جرامي لأفضل ألبوم محكي  (2012)
جائزة إنجاز الحياة لنقابة ممثلي الشاشة (2010)
جائزة أساطير ديزني (2009)[2]
جائزة إيمي برايم تايم لأفضل ممثلة في دور رئيسي في مسلسل كوميدي (1986)
جائزة إيمي برايم تايم لأفضل ممثلة مساعدة في مسلسل كوميدي (1976)
جائزة إيمي برايم تايم لأفضل ممثلة مساعدة في مسلسل كوميدي (عن عمل:The Mary Tyler Moore Show) (1976)
جائزة إيمي برايم تايم لأفضل ممثلة مساعدة في مسلسل كوميدي (1975)  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P166) في ويكي بيانات
IMDB صفحتها على IMDB  تعديل قيمة خاصية (P345) في ويكي بيانات

بيتي ماريون وايت لودين (Betty Marion White Ludden) (وُلِدت في السابع عشر من يناير عام 1922م)، المعروفة باسم بيتي وايت، هي ممثلة أمريكية وممثلة كوميدية ومغنية ومؤلفة، وشخصية تليفزيونية بارزة. وتمتد حياتها المهنية لأكثر من سبعة عقود، وهي معروفة للجمهور المعاصر بأدوارها التليفزيونية مثل سو آن نيفينز (Sue Ann Nivens) في ماري تايلر مور شو (The Mary Tyler Moore Show) وروز نايلوند (Rose Nylund) في الفتيات الذهبيات (The Golden Girls). ومنذ وفاة الممثلة التي شاركتها التمثيل رو ماكلاناهان (Rue McClanahan) عام 2010، أصبحت هي الفتاة الذهبية الوحيدة على قيد الحياة الآن. وتلعب حاليًا دور إلكا أوستروفسكي (Elka Ostrovsky) في البرنامج الكوميدي الذي يعرض على شبكة تلفزيون تي في لاند (TV Land) والمعروف باسم مأزق في كليفلاند (Hot in Cleveland)، كما أنها تقدم برنامج الفصول المضحكة بيتي وايت المجنونة (Betty White’s Off Their Rockers).

فازت وايت بسبع جوائز إيمي (ست جوائز للتمثيل) وتم ترشيحها عشرين مرة لجائزة إيمي على مدار حياتها المهنية، بما في ذلك كونها أول امرأة على الإطلاق تفوز بجائزة إيمي لتقديم برامج المسابقات (للبرنامج القصير رجال فقط! (Just Men)) كما أنها الشخص الوحيد الحائز على جائزة إيمي في جميع الفئات الكوميدية التي قامت النساء بأدائها. وفي مايو عام 2010م، أصبحت وايت هي أكبر شخصية تستضيف ساترداي نايت لايف (Saturday Night Live)، التي نالت عليها أيضًا جائزة برايم تايم إيمي (Primetime Emmy Award). وتحمل وايت أيضًا الرقم القياسي لأطول فترة بين تسميات جائزة إيمي للتمثيل – كانت الأولى عام 1951م والأكثر حداثة كانت عام 2011م، وهي الفترة التي تقدر بستين عامًا – ولقد أصبحت أكبر المرشحين سنًا في عمر التسعين عامًا. وقدمت ظهورًا منتظمًا في برامج المسابقات كلمة السر (Password)، ولعبة المواءمة (Match Game)، كما لعبت أدوارًا متكررة في عائلة أمي (Mama’s Family)، وبوسطن ليغال (Boston Legal)، والجرئ والجميلة (The Bold and the Beautiful)، والمجتمع (Community).

الحياة المبكرة

وُلِدت بيتي ماريون وايت في أوك بارك، إلينوي في السابع عشر من يناير عام 1922م، وهي ابنة تيس كيرتس (Tess Curtis) (نيي كاشيكاس) (née Cachikis)، ربة منزل، وهوراس لورانس وايت (Horace Lawrence White)، بائع متجول ومهندس كهربائي.[3][4][5] كانت والدتها من أصول يونانية، وإنجليزية، وويلزية، كما كان والدها من أصول دنماركية وإنجليزية.[6][7][8] انتقلت أسرة وايت إلى لوس أنجلوس، كاليفورنيا أثناء الكساد الكبير.[9] تعلمت بيتي في مدرسة هوراس مان بيفرلي هيلز ومدرسة بيفرلي هيلز الثانوية. وعلى أمل أن تصبح كاتبة، قامت بكتابة وبطولة مسرحية التخرج في مدرسة هوراس مان واكتشفت اهتمامها بالتمثيل.


  • 1939م–1973م: المهنة الإذاعية، والحياة مع إليزابيث وريادة التليفزيون
  • 1973م–1985م: مواصلة النجاح، والأعمال الكوميدية، وماري تايلر مور شو
  • 1985م–2000مالفتيات الذهبيات ومشارف مهنة جديدة
  • 2000م–حتى الآن: دعامة هوليوود الأساسية وانتعاش المهنة

من فريد ظفور

مصور محترف حائز على العديد من الجوائز العالمية و المحلية في مجال التصوير الفوتوغرافي.