André du Plessis (he/him) is ILGA’s Executive Director. Formerly at ILGA, André was the Head of UN Programme and Advocacy, assisting LGBTI organizations from around the world to engage with the various facets of the United Nations systems. Prior to ILGA, he worked on the human rights compliance of private military contractors in conflict zones, and as a Human Rights Officer in Special Procedures at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
André is from South Africa and is an English solicitor with experience in the Corporate and Financial Services sectors. He grew up in Zambia, the UK and India, studied law at Cambridge University and University College London, and has worked in mainland China, in Hong Kong, London and is currently based in Geneva, Switzerland.

من فريد ظفور

مصور محترف حائز على العديد من الجوائز العالمية و المحلية في مجال التصوير الفوتوغرافي.