مسابقة ألفريد فريد الدولية للتصوير الفوتوغرافي 2015
إلى عشاق التصوير الفوتوغرافي في جميع أنحاء العالم: ما هي يا ترى الصورة المناسبة لوصف السلام؟ إن مسابقة ألفريد فريد الدولية للتصوير الفوتوغرافي هي مسابقة دولية تهدف إلى اختيار وتكريم أفضل صورة عالمية يكون موضوعها السلام، فهي مفتوحة لجميع عشاق الكاميرا في أي مكان في العالم طالما عبرت صورهم عن الجهد البشري المبذول من أجل السلام في العالم.
الموعد الأخير للمشاركة في هذه المسابقة هو يوم 14 مايو/ أيار 2015 على الساعة 00.00 حسب توقيت غرينتش. ستقوم المسابقة بتسليم وسام ألفريد فريد لخمسة فائزين. أما الفائز الأول فسينال مبلغا من المال قدره 5000 يورو إضافة إلى عرض عمله في البرلمان النمساوي لمدة سنة وإدراجه في المجموعة الفنية الدائمة للبرلمان النمساوي.
تُنظم هذه المسابقة سنويا بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للسلام، الذي يحتفل به يوم 21 سبتمبر/ أيلول، ويشارك في تقديم الجائزة كل من اليونسكو و جمعية التصوير الفوتوغرافي، التي تعد من أقدم جمعيات التصوير الفوتوغرافي في البلدان الناطقة باللغة الألمانية، ودار نشر لامر هوبر، والبرلمان النمساوي، ورابطة المحررين البرلمانيين النمساوية والمعهد الدولي للصحافة. وسُميت هذه المسابقة على شرف ألفريد هيرمان فريد (1864-1921) الذي كان داعية سلام ومؤلفا نمساويا حاز على جائزة نوبل للسلام في عام 1911.
آخر موعد للمشاركة
17 May 2015

Terms and conditions / FAQ
Q: Who is awarding the Alfred Fried Photography Award?
A: The Alfred Fried Photography Award is awarded by The Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG) and Edition Lammerhuber in partnership with UNESCO, the Austrian Parliament, the Austrian Parliamentary Reporting Association and the the International Press Institute (IPI).
The Photographische Gesellschaft, (PHG) is the longest-standing photographic society in the German-speaking countries and the second-oldest in the world.
It was founded on 22 March 1861 by Anton Georg Martin at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna.
Edition Lammerhuber is an Austrian publisher, based in Baden near Vienna, dedicated to photography and to the interpretation of science and art.
Q: Who can submit images to the Alfred Fried Photography Award?
A: The Alfred Fried Photography Award is open to professional and amateur photographers from anywhere in the world.
Q: How can I submit photographs into the awards?
A: You may upload digital files to the submission page.
Q: What size should the digital files be?
A: Digital submissions must be saved as .jpg, with a size between 2000 pixels and 3000 pixels on the longest side. The maximum file size is 2 MB. Images must not include any embedded marks, logos, names or borders.
Q: Do you accept digitally manipulated images?
A: Digitally manipulated images are accepted.
Q: Is there any entry fee for a submission?
A: No, there is no entry fee!
Q: Can I enter more than one photograph?
A: Yes, you may enter several photographs as individual submissions without an overall theme. Or you can submit multiple photographs as one story.
Q: What counts as a story?
A: More than two photographs that share a theme or concept and title. Your work will be judged as a whole, not as individual photographic entries.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of entries I can submit?
A: No, you may submit as many entries as you see fit.
Q: Is there a time limit within which the photographs should have been taken?
A: No, there is no time limit for the photographs.
Q: Can I submit a photograph that has won an award or has been entered in another competition?
A: Yes, you may submit photographs that have won an award or been entered in another competition.
Q: How do I submit my entries?
A: You upload your entry as a .jpg file or files. You can make changes to your entries, or delete them, in your entry overview (my entries) until the deadline. After the deadline all your remaining entries will be submitted automatically.
Q: Do I have to write a caption for my images?
A: For each submission (single image or story) you need a caption in english, maximum length 750 characters.
Q: I want the jury to view my images in a defined order, how can I achieve this? A: Please name your image files with leading index numbers. The order of the images in your overview may differ from the final order in which the jury will see them.
Q: What is the copyright policy and how can the Alfred Fried Photography Award use my photos?
A:The photographer always retains the copyright of his/her image. The partners of the Alfred Fried Photography Award (see below) have the right to use your submitted images only for marketing and promotional purposes directly related to the Alfred Fried Photography Award, always crediting the photographer. For instance: publications, exhibitions, public screenings. Please make sure you flag your images with your copyright in the metadata. Please note that if your entry wins or is shortlisted, your images will be published online, so please remove any confident information from the metadata before you upload the images.
Additionally, by entering, each entrant grants to the partners of the Alfred Fried Photography Award the unrestricted right to use all statements made in connection with the Contest, and pictures or likenesses of Contest entrants, or choose not to do so, at their sole discretion.
Q: What is the final deadline?
A: We accept entries until midnight, Central European Time, CET, on 17 May 2015.
Q: How will the photographs be judged?
A: The jury will judge the photographs on artistic merit, originality, subject and style.
Q: How do I know if I have won an award?
A: We will notify award winners by email.
Any other questions? Please send your questions to friedaward (at) photographische-gesellschaft.at (in English or German).
We will answer them as soon as possible.
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