تمت إضافة ‏‏١٠٢‏ صورة جديدة‏ بواسطة ‏‎Walid Nayif‎‏ إلى الألبوم: ‏‎Zdzisław Beksiński‎‏.
للمزيد من الصور:

2 يوليو 2017 ·
Zdzisław Beksiński 1929-2005
ولد زدزيسلاو بكسينسكي في بولندا في مدينة سانوك بالقرب من جبال الكاربات في عام 1929م. درس الهندسة المعمارية وعمل كمشرف موقع بناء إلى أن إتجه إلى الفن عام 1958 .. لوحاته كبيرة نسبيا تشعر فيها بعاطفته الجياشة فيها قوة في الموضوع والمزاج أيضا مكثفة وغامضة قدم لوحات تميل إلى السيريالية في السيتينات كان يتفاعل مع ماليس له جواب في التكوين محاولا إكتشاف أسراره ببساطة .. وفى السبعينات تمكن من الألوان الزيتية .. وأيضا القدرة على التلاعب بالإضاءات ليميل إلى بعض الغموض في لوحات تشكل سيمفونية معزوفة برقي ونقاء .. وفي الثمانينات مال إلى بعض التجريد بإستخدام الأكريلك كان يقول: أرسم ما أرسمه دون التوسط في القصة فلا أهتم برمزية أو معان مفتعلة فقط أترك اللون والملمس يتخذ مكانه على سطح اللوحة بأريحية .. عمل كثيرا وكثيرا ليصبح شخصية رائدة في الفن البولندي المعاصريقول أنه داذما ما يحاول رسم لوحات جميلة .. ببساطة يقول أيضا: أنا لا أعرف نفسى ولست مهتما على الإطلاق بمعرفتها .. فلا تسألنى عن معني أى عمل فني أقدمه .. اتركه هو ليتتم ذلك.
Zdzislaw Beksinski was born in Poland in the town of Sanok near the Carpathians Mountains in 1929. After a childhood was spent during the Second World War, Beksinski went on to university where he studied architecture in Cracow. Subsequent to this education he spent several years as a construction site supervisor, a job he hated, frought with pressures and countless boring details. He would soon throw himself into the arts. In 1958, Beksinski began to gain critical praise for his photography, and later went on to drawing. His highly detailed drawings are often quite large, and may remind some of the works of Ernst Fuchs in their intricate, and nearly obsessive rendering.
Beksinski eventually threw himself into painting with a passion, and worked constantly, always to the strains of classical music. He soon became the leading figure in contemporary Polish art.
Beksinski and his family moved to Warsaw in 1977. The artist had many exhibitions throughout his native Poland and Europe. He rarely attended any of them. Bekinski’s art hangs in the National Museums Warsaw, Sanok, Krakow, Poznan, and the Goteborgs Art Museum in Sweden. Much of his art is displayed in the Sanok Museum of art in his native city.
“I have quite simply been trying, from the very beginning, to paint beautiful paintings.”
Beksinski was murdered in February of 2005, during a robbery attempt at his flat in Warsaw. He will be remembered as a brilliant artist, and by those who knew him, as a docile man with a profound wit and keen sense of the human condition. I cherish the time we spent corresponding as friends, self-aware neurotics who could not wait to try and top the other. What a remarkeble piece of work he was. A bit of Woody Allen, a dash of Oscar Wilde for spice, and brushes of Francisco Goya and William Turner. – James Cowan
“It misses the point to ask me what scenes in my paintings ‘mean’. Simply, I do not know, myself. Moreover, I am not at all interested in knowing.”–Zdzislaw Beksinski

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